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Summer Interlude Series
6pm Evening Services 
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The Sunday evening services over the summer will each have a distinct theme and offer the opportunity to experience different styles of worship.  The services will last up to an hour.

Do join us for these special services – all are welcome.


28 July - Creative Worship

This is a chance to unlock your creative side as we listen to music and readings around the theme of the Fruits of the Spirit. There will be an opportunity to colour, draw, paint or sit and listen to the music as we explore how we can worship creatively.


4 August – Holiday Evensong 

Many will be familiar with this service. It is based on our usual Choral Evensong but is shorter and without the choir. It will include hymns and a Psalm sung by a singer. A bible reading and a short talk are brought together in the words of the service and our intercessions.


11 August – Making Sense of the Bible 

With time for prayer and reflection our focus this evening is understanding the Bible a bit better. This amazing collection of books forms the basis of the story of God’s providence and purpose for all creation, and centuries later remains a means of inspiration for living life well.


18 August – Inspiration from Poetry

This service will lead us in consideration and wonder from the power of poetry. There will be time for input and discussion leading to prayerful reflection.


25 August – Taize

With readings and accessible liturgy and some well known songs this service creates a prayerful and thoughtful atmosphere. Many who know this style of service appreciate the sense of space and peace afforded in this service.


1 September – Holiday Evensong 

Many will be familiar with this service. It is based on our usual Choral Evensong but is shorter and without the choir. It will include hymns and a Psalm sung by a singer. A bible reading and a short talk are brought together in the words of the service and our intercessions.


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