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Set aside for God’s purposes

Writer: Richard ButlerRichard Butler

At the heart of the Coronation on Saturday was the anointing. The temporary screens added to the mystery of an event already mysterious, and the media has not succeeded in shedding much light on this part of the ceremony. So what was going on there? Well, we know what the Archbishop said and did, because the Order of Service told us. The Archbishop spoke words indicating that the oil was placed on the King’s hands, breast and head “as kings, priests, and prophets were anointed … so may you be anointed, blessed, and consecrated King over the peoples, whom the Lord your God has given you to rule and govern …” So that is what was said and done, but what did it mean?

Anointing in this context is understood to be the setting aside of the King for God’s purposes. And according to one of the readings for last Sunday, 1 Peter 2: 9, we too “… are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people…” Similarly set aside for God’s purposes.

Lord God, set us apart,

anoint us by your spirit to live today for your purposes.

Help us to live anointed lives, empowered by your spirit,

consecrated by you to live for your aims, to live for your glory,

to live for the spread of your gospel.

Set us apart in these ways we pray.




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