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  • Writer's pictureMark Dearnley

Just One Thing

It was with great sadness we learnt that Michael Mosley died whilst on holiday. His years of broadcasting around the topic of how to make life work well remain an inspiration to many. I’ve been particularly struck by the ‘Just one thing’ approach to the tasks of living a healthy life.


In the midst of what can seem an insurmountable set of challenges many face day by day the temptation to give up is very real. However, if we are able to break these down into bite-size chunks then the impossible becomes possible.


I’ve applied this to my journey of being a learner in the Christian faith. At times the challenges of living the Christian life can seem huge; making the right decisions, discerning God’s ways in all things, attending to others’ needs before mine, leading well, the list goes on. But if I break this down into ‘Just one thing’, small steps become doable.


Some of these ‘Just one thing’ ideas include the choice to pray each day, and I value the opportunity to do this in the company of others at Morning Prayer. I’m grateful for our weekly church services that enable me to reflect and worship as I discover ways to apply my faith to daily living. And I benefit enormously from knowing I’m not alone on this journey – the encouragement and support of others is invaluable.


Lastly I’m reassured that God has not left us to work it all out by ourselves. Rather by his Holy Spirit he brings courage to our steps, inspiration to our thoughts and prayers, and the belief that what might seem impossible is possible with him.

Just one thing.


Lord, lead us in small steps of living this life of faith,

that we may learn of your ways

and in you find life and hope

for each day and in every task. Amen.

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