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  • Writer's pictureMargaret Tinsley


'A sense of sea and holidays begun,

Leisure to live and breathe and smell and look

Unfold for me this seaside history book '.


So wrote John Betjeman,  lines which hardly apply to land-locked St. Albans,  yet epitomise the holiday, by sea or inland, which so many enjoy at this season, whatever their destination.  For, on holiday, we do 'live and breathe and look' in so many different places, with their sense of excitement or calm, new learning or remembrance. 


Yet, for many, holidays are not possible; they must rely on memories of past times or accounts provided by those who can travel. Even so, August hopefully  does provide some respite or change from everyday activities  and a chance to relax before the onset of September commitments.


Whatever the situation, some lines found - on holiday - seem so apt:

May the peace of the tallest mountain 

and the peace of the smallest stone

be your peace.

May the millions of the stars

watch over you.

May the everlasting music of the waves

lull you to rest. Amen.

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