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  • Writer's pictureEm Coley

Embrace Grace

As moving to a new building looms large I can pretty much guarantee that we are all feeling differently. For some of us who love change the prospect of something new and different is exciting! For those of us who find new things harder to get on board with we might be feeling anxious or even grumpy!

We can find ourselves feeling rather isolated in our individuality can't we, knowing that how we are reacting and anticipating is very different from others around us.

And yet I think it is important to remember that we are moving as a church, as a community united in our commitment to God, to our faith, and to one another. I wonder then whether we are able to subordinate our own individual feelings (whether they are of excitement or grumpiness!) and instead embrace the collective, supporting one another in whatever possibilities and challenges this move will bring about for us as a whole.

In the words of Gerard Kelly's poem “Evolve”:

Let love evolve

Let ego go

Oppression cease

Peace increase

Shelf self

Give pride no place

Embrace grace

Embrace grace

Embrace grace

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