The feast which marks 40 days since the birth of Jesus, at Christmas…
The feast which marks the visit to the temple by Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus and the presentation of Jesus, the first born….
The day when we say goodbye to all the festivities of Christmas and turn towards the solemnity of Easter: Holy week, the Crucifixion….
The day when we think of Jesus as a light for the whole world….
As we heard in the Candlemas gospel, Simeon and Anna, two devout worshippers, recognised baby Jesus at the temple, a remarkable feat when we think of all the babies which must have been presented that day, Simeon was of uncertain age; Anna a very old lady, but both had been promised that they would see the Messiah before they died.
They not only welcomed and blessed the baby but Simeon foretold difficult times ahead for the Messiah and his mother. He would be the centre of controversy, rejected by many and put to death at the will of his own people and Mary would have ’a sword pierce [ her] heart’.
But it was Anna who was the focus of yesterday afternoon’s gathering in the Octagon, when we heard about the work of the Anna chaplaincy, a national scheme of the Bible Reading Fellowship, set up to provide support for older people, of all faiths and none.
We, at St. Peter’s, do try to support the older members of our congregations and others by such offerings as mid-week Holy Communion and Tea on Tuesday. The housebound have home visits and, if they wish, home Communion. Is there more…?
Meanwhile, let us use Simeon’s words, as we do at Evensong every Sunday:
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace :
according to thy word.
For mine eyes have seen :
thy salvation;
Which thou hast prepared :
before the face of all people;
To be a light to lighten the Gentiles :
and to be the glory of thy people Israel. Amen