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Information Point 7 
The Rose Window at the West End 

Here you may look back to the West End of the church and view the Rose window designed and installed by the benefactor in the 1890s when he also lengthened the nave in a westerly direction beyond the final two pillars.   However, the Rose window which we see today is not the same as the one installed in the 1890s because that one was glazed in clear glass.  In 1922 the window was reglazed with the stained glass that we see today.  The window carries an inscription which when translated from the Latin reads ‘The Restorer of the Cathedral rebuilt and extended this church in 1895’.  This gives us a clue about who this mysterious benefactor is because he also restored St Albans Abbey using his own money.  The Rose window contains nine smaller windows each of which depicts a story from the Bible in a similar way to the Capronnier windows.

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