APCM Sunday 11 May 12pm
St Peter’s Annual Parochial Church Meeting with elections to the PCC (Parochial Church Council)
Takes place on Sunday 11 May 2025 at 12pm followed by a bring and share lunch.
This is a good opportunity to look back at the past year and ahead to our future vision. At this meeting the church accounts for the year are presented and reports on the various areas of church life are received. All those who are on the electoral roll of St Peter’s are welcome and have the right to vote.
Immediately prior to the APCM is the Annual Parish Meeting. This is a very short meeting open to all those who live in the parish and the main business is election or re-election of the Church Wardens.
Documents relevant to the APCM can be viewed below;
Electoral Roll Renewal
In 2025 there must be a complete renewal of the Electoral Roll. Every person who wishes to have their name entered on the new roll, whether it is entered on the old roll or not, must apply for enrolment.
The Church of England's Electoral Roll is a register of church members who are eligible to vote at St Peter's Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM), with individuals required to complete an application form to join during the renewal period.
The enrolment process is open now and will close on Monday 21 April and will be in effect at St Peter's APCM on 11 May.
Please click here for an application form. Forms are also available in church or from the church office.
Revd Mark Dearnley
Vicar of St Peter’s